Infinitas picture
for Infinitas
Highest FPH:
21/9/2001 21:17:30Capture the FlagDiamond Sword306281
Highest score:
21/9/2001 21:17:30Capture the FlagDiamond Sword306281
All games:
21/9/2001 21:17:30Capture the FlagDiamond Sword306281
22/9/2001 19:02:59CTF4Facing Worlds 4 Bases8397
22/9/2001 19:50:24CTF4Facing Worlds ][ 4 Bases16391
22/9/2001 21:32:26CTF4Lego4ever00
23/9/2001 12:33:28Capture the FlagWarrior2630
23/9/2001 12:48:57CTF4Jewel of the Warlord1244
23/9/2001 12:59:46CTF4Jewel of the Warlord00
23/9/2001 12:59:46CTF4Jewel of the Warlord-229
23/9/2001 13:19:39CTF4Lucius' Pit430

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