Incarnadine picture Incarnadine
playing Excessive Domination
in Death Star

Total score: 8

Mutators: ExcessiveTime, ExcessivePowerups, EnforcerUpgrade, HammerUpgrade, BioUpgrade, ShockRifleUpgrade, PulseUpgrade, RipperUpgrade, MinigunUpgrade, FlakUpgrade, RocketUpgrade, SniperUpgrade, TranslocatorUpgrade, HitSound

Playing time: 2:03.37

Kills: 7

Deaths: 2

Suicides: 1

Frags per hour: 204

Frags per minute:

Frags per minute

Killing Sprees

Spree typeCount
Killing Spree1


Multikill typeCount
Double Kill2

Weapon choice

Flak Cannon7

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